Tiwolte is a transfer project within the Leonardo da Vinci Education and Culture programme. The consortium consists of the municipality of Tjörn ( UCT ), Sweden, three universities ( Fredric University, Nicosia, Cyprus, Gothenburg University and Campus Varberg, both Sweden ), St John’s College, Cork, Ireland, Oscar Thiel Oberstufen Zentrum, ( Upper Secondary School ), Berlin, Germany, the Swedish Trade Federation and Association Européenne des Ecoles D’Hôtellerlie et de Tourisme ( AEHT ). UCT is the project manager. All partners are involved in the steering group as well as in different work groups.
The purpose of the project is to transfer results from the LdV project “Integration of Workplace Learning in Vocational Teacher Education” ( IWOLTE ), which also provides the foundation for the new project ( TIWOTE ). The overall aim of Tiwolte is to develop the skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers and supervisors. Among other objectives, the project will:
- Test and execute at least one of the educational programmes for vocational supervisors and teachers
- Develop cooperation and consensus between upper secondary school, college, university and working life through exchange of experience and dialogue within several European vocational educations
- Work in the European arena to harmonise pedagogical vocational courses and develop transparency between our partners – for example, by developing the content of a learning platform and other IT-techniques needed for blended learning
- Finansieringsprogram:
- Leonardo Da Vinci/LLP Programme 2007–2013
- Samarbetspartners:
- Forskningsparken AS (NO)
- Fundatia Centrul Educational Soros (RO)
- Compare (SE)
- Sirris (BE)
- Nasjonalt senter for Etter- og Videreutdanning AS (NO)
- Social- og Sundhedsskolen i Silkeborg (DK)